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Hardware accessories

There are many kinds of hardware products with different specifications. However, hardware products also play an irreplaceable role in home decoration,


Jiangsu Huaiyin Gax Tool Manufacturing Co., Ltd. was established in 1989. Sino French joint venture, the factory is located in Huaiyin Economic Development Zone, Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province.

Address:Jiangsu Huaiyin Gax Tool Manufacturing Co., Ltd

Customer Service Hotline:86-517-83942944

济南市| 福建省| 丰城市| 临漳县| 义马市| 永福县| 桂平市| 湘潭县| 徐汇区| 屏南县| 盘山县| 观塘区| 丹巴县| 黑山县| 垫江县| 泰顺县| 中卫市| 孝义市| 英德市| 德格县| 上饶市| 宜州市| 开封县| 那坡县| 革吉县| 瓦房店市| 尉氏县| 隆回县| 乌鲁木齐县| 遂溪县| 昭苏县| 诏安县| 常州市| 黔南| 罗城| 中方县| 兖州市| 安平县| 镇宁| 康马县| 探索|