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Hardware accessories

There are many kinds of hardware products with different specifications. However, hardware products also play an irreplaceable role in home decoration,


Jiangsu Huaiyin Gax Tool Manufacturing Co., Ltd. was established in 1989. Sino French joint venture, the factory is located in Huaiyin Economic Development Zone, Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province.

Address:Jiangsu Huaiyin Gax Tool Manufacturing Co., Ltd

Customer Service Hotline:86-517-83942944

长葛市| 额尔古纳市| 烟台市| 衡南县| 廉江市| 都兰县| 日土县| 鄂温| 玛沁县| 都兰县| 五常市| 无棣县| 丰城市| 图们市| 金堂县| 海盐县| 富蕴县| 龙山县| 如皋市| 江达县| 通化县| 新郑市| 定边县| 高州市| 彰化县| 渑池县| 巩留县| 肃宁县| 天全县| 襄城县| 六盘水市| 和田县| 库伦旗| 读书| 宣化县| 苍南县| 宜兴市| 济源市| 绍兴县| 高台县| 舞钢市|